Picture of Adam Brikman
Adam Brikman

Hey there! I'm Adam ...and I love making cool things.

Check out my work

About Me

Adam at Notre Dame Cathedral

Hey! I'm Adam

I’m a front end developer who enjoys building modern, responsive web applications that make people's lives easier or are simply fun and enjoyable to use!

Although I’ve written programs in C and Python, the majority of my projects have been written in either vanilla JavaScript or React.

Other technologies I’ve used in past projects include databases such as SQL and MongoDB as well as front-end development tools including Babel, SASS, Parcel and NPM.

Past & Present

Prior to entering software development, I was a CPA performing audits at companies ranging from casinos to non-profits.

With my domain experience in accounting and software development, I bring the ability to understand business requirements and translate them into technical requirements.

When I'm not programming, I'm traveling, exercising or eating.

Adam eating apple pie in Amsterdam

Featured Projects

Feel free to check out my other work:

Contact Me

I am currently seeking out a software engineer position. Feel free to contact me via LinkedIn or send me an e-mail below:

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